IBM MQ can transport any type of data as messages, enabling businesses to build flexible, reusable architectures such as service-oriented architecture (SOA) environments.


IBM MQ can transport any type of data as messages, enabling businesses to build flexible, reusable architectures such as service-oriented architecture (SOA) environments.

IBM MQ can transport any type of data as messages, enabling businesses to build flexible, reusable architectures such as service-oriented architecture (SOA) environments. It works with a broad range of computing platforms, applications, web services and communications protocols for security-rich message delivery. IBM MQ provides a communications layer for visibility and control of the flow of messages and data inside and outside your organization.

IBM MQ Provides

An application has a choice of programming interfaces, and programming languages to connect to IBM MQ.  

IBM MQ is messaging and queuing middleware, with several modes of operation: point-to-point ; publish/subscribe ; file transfer . Applications can publish messages to many subscribers over multicast. 

Programs communicate by sending each other data in messages rather than by calling each other directly. 

Messages are placed on queues, so that programs can run independently of each other, at different speeds and times, in different locations, and without having a direct connection between them. 

Applications send messages to a queue, or to a list of queues. The sender must know the name of the destination, but not where it is. 

Applications publish a message on a topic, such as the result of a game played by a team. IBM MQ sends copies of the message to applications that subscribe to the results topic. They receive the message with the results of games played by the team. The publisher does not know the names of subscribers, or where they are. 

Multicast is an efficient form of publish/subscribe messaging that scales to many subscribers. It transfers the effort of sending a copy of a publication to each subscriber from IBM MQ to the network. Once a path for the publication is established between the publisher and subscriber, IBM MQ is not involved in forwarding the publication. 

File transfer
Files are transferred in messages. IBM MQ Managed File Transfer manages the transfer of files and the administration to set up automated transfers and log the results. You can integrate the file transfer with other file transfer systems, with IBM MQ messaging, and the web. 

IBM MQ Telemetry provides an IBM MQ Telemetry Transport (MQTT) server that extends your IBM MQ environment to the Internet of Things – that is, the numerous mobile, web and M2M devices and applications that sit at the edge of the network. Through IBM MQ Telemetry your back-office systems can make use of, and respond to, the messages coming from those devices and applications. To minimize the disruption to your existing messaging environment, the telemetry server can communicate across other protocols as well as MQTT. For example, your server can be configured to talk MQTT externally, and JMS internally. 

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